Author Topic: Haiku's and Steel  (Read 2549 times)

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Haiku's and Steel
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:34:36 pm »
As usual, the Sands was hot.
Sweltering even for those unaccustomed to it and driving most to seek shade at the apex of Pandora's short day cycles. However, this was not the case for one individual.
The sun overhead had barely begun to wane as it hung high in the sky, bathing the sea of dusty brown and jagged rocks in an unforgiving heat. Forcing a black and grey figure to relocate as it's echo device beeped, an alarm for something he had yet to see from his vantage on a craggy outcropping of sun baked and wind beaten stone.
Although he/she/it (the form fitting and obscuring suit and helmet making a distinction impossible) had little expectation of being seen, it was a force of habit to move to a new spot as the sun illuminated his previous scouting position.

With a hearty sigh the word: "BORED" flashed briefly into life in front of his face as he began to wonder if his trip was for nothing.

Mercifully, upon reaching a suitable location the deep but distant sounds of a growling motor rose above the subtle winds. Reaching down, the digi-struct module attached to the belt on his hip sparked to life. The device emanated a high pitched drone as it worked it's figurative magic by forming the grip, stock, receiver, and long barrel of an angular sniper rifle in his hands. Nestling the barrel against a nook of stone the figure stared down the scope of his weapon to get a look at whatever was coming.
Arriving ten minutes later then expected, a caravan trundled over the far hills into view.  While a common thing to rob in this place, figure adjusting his scope was neither here to rob or protect it but it was the item of it's interest and long wait.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 09:44:06 pm by Zer0 »

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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2015, 09:33:37 pm »
The sun was bearing down on a bandit technical sitting on top of a sandy cliff. Sitting on top was a snoozing teenage girl's feet were up and was snoring, quite loudly.Suddenly, her ECHO recorder began to static and play a warning message from the caravan moving through.
"That's my cue!" She said waking up. Turning the technical on, she stomped on the gas sending the vehicle off the cliff towards the road to where, as expected, the caravan and the two guarding vehicles were. She rammed the first guard technical at a full speed sending it flipping off the road. The second vehicle began to open fire at Gaige's as she quickly hopped out. She hid behind her burning vehicle (which was blocking the path of the caravan) and rose her robotic arm in the air summoning a large mech. It immediately flew up and began to fire electricity, heat lasers at the vehicle while taking swipes at it. In a few seconds the second technical erupted in flames sending bandits left and right. "I love you bot!" Gaige shouted out in victory. The driver of the van quickly surrendered everything he was carrying as Gaige hopped up on top and began to loot whatever valuables were in the chests.


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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2015, 10:32:43 pm »
Gears clanked and pistons hissed as the seal was released on the chest strapped to the van as it's lid split horizontally open to reveal a distinct purple glow from within. While disappointing in some respect that it didn't hold any new shiny guns for her but the chest seemed to be loaded to the gills with raw Eriduim. Taped to the underside of the lid was a note. Clearly written by bandits who only learned about the concept of writing through latrine graffiti where distorted symbols that in a nutshell deciphered too:
"Gimme Gimme the Green"

On a farther side of the spectrum:
Staring at the wreckage left behind by his associate and her psychopathic robot he scoped out the wreckage to ensure his projected lack of survivors. Granted...
...This was not how he'd expected this to go by a longshot, but bringing a sledgehammer to surgery sometimes has it's own merits, at least she stopped the caravan.
"There was a good plan/ disregarded by small girl. Or just forgotten." he sardonically quipped to himself."
Farther in the opposing distance he spotted a small craft. Not a regular car but the ugly shade of yellow plastering it's futuristic frame was plain as day through the scope.
"No time to ogle. Time fo-"

Roaring over the hill at the sound of the commotion and cutting off the assasin's words came two other technicals. One driver in a fit of surprise mistook the gas peddle for the brakes and came hurtling towards the giant floating robotic torso. The midget astride his hood covering his face and bracing for impact while the second technical had more luck skidding to a stop.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 10:45:28 pm by Zer0 »


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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2015, 10:41:59 pm »
Gaige's eyes lit up as she quickly began to collect the Eridium.
"Hellloooooo precious." She said almost in disbelief. Gaige turned around at the sound of more technicals and saw that Deathtrap was in the way. Before she could speak, Deathtrap's timer reached 0 as she pixelized once more in disappeared, however, the technical still slammed into the back of the van sending Gaige off of it and landing hard on the hood of her own vehicle.


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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2015, 10:24:42 am »
The hood midget upon impact was sent cartwheeling into the air before the nose of its technical crumpled against the nigh impenetrable chassis of the Caravan, crushing the driver as the remaining occupant leaped from the trunk bed to the ground.
The caravan itself could likely blaze through getting robbed as though a it was a light breeze but it was lucky that the driver himself was a massive coward. Staying put, the caravan acted as a form of unwilling cover for her as the bandits situated on the hill began to spray her down. By no means accurately, but the sheer volume of bullets made the situation a bit problematic.

While the caravan blocked her view, she no doubt recognized the gunshot through the air as one of the whooping bandits voices went silent as her Echo crackled to life with her compatriots satisfied voice.


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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2015, 07:45:42 pm »
Gaige quickly took a chance to recover and dive behind a car. Her shield was nearly depleted.
"What the... Zer0 is that you?"


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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2015, 04:58:45 pm »
"Correct." He flatly responded.
Another shot rang and a wayward bandit climbing over the caravan had his head replaced with a fine red mist, crumpling on the spot. She could almost imagine the "0" appearing in front of his face plate as he noted the lack of skill the kill required.
"My poor plan, wasted. Collect the eridium. Before buyer does."

She could now vaguely seen the yellow craft through the hazy mirage above the sand. She couldn't make out the driver of the hovering craft but even from her distance it looked far too clean and refined to be locally machined.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2015, 05:01:16 pm by Zer0 »


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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2015, 07:58:07 pm »
"Zer0 can you take a loot at that... vehicle in  the distance. It looks weird man." Gaige squinted at it. She reloaded her weapons before hopping back on top of the caravan to look at the loot once more, while staying alert.

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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2015, 09:33:30 am »
Suddenly bth their ECHO devices came to life.
"Hey you two... you know what really grinds my gears? Not getting the full amount of Eridium I asked for from my dealers. You know why? Because I," He chuckled loudly over the mic. "I, I have to kill the seller and his family and it's just one huge mess I don't want to have to deal with again. So why don't you both go back to your little caves and off yourselves alright? Saves me a headache and the trouble."

Twist Kelly

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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2015, 08:56:09 pm »
Suddenly a dusty green and gold runner came flying over the sand dunes from behind Gaige. Skidding to a stop next to the caravan, Twist jumped out with a frown. "I guess this caravan is more important than Moxxi let on. Ah well. As long as this caravan never reaches Jack, then I still get paid." Twist turned to Zer0 and Gaige. "Oh. Wow. You two are vault hunters, aren't you. It is a fair dinkum honour to meet you guys."
Did you see the size of that Drop Bear? Friggin unbelievable.


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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2015, 11:01:32 am »
"It is just floating. Carrying the middleman, it will arrive soon."
Taking a moment to line up and execute another shot/bandit he hardly flinched as his ECHO crackled to life. A brief ":3" flickering to life in front of his bleak helmet as he listened to the Hyperion CEO.
"Shame, I will decline. Death must come claim me himself. Then I will claim him."

Another shot, another bandit before his kill counting was interrupted by the sudden buggy whirling into view. Although he didn't hear what the newcomer was saying, the newcomer probably noticed Zero by the glint of his scope as the assassin observed him. His own echo humming to life with Zer0's sardonic voice.
"My fame proceeded me. Although the fact you saw me, leaves me somewhat sad."


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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2015, 03:47:43 pm »
Gaige flinched and turned around.
"Hey... who are you?" She closed the chest on top as Deathtrap gripped the box and placed it on Gaige's technical. "You know I never thought I would become a famous Vault Hunter."

Twist Kelly

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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2015, 04:14:34 pm »
"Where are my manners. G'day. The names Twist. Moxxi kinda hired me to take out this caravan, but I guess you got here first. S'all good." Twist surveyed the caravan, hoping to spit any hidden compartments. When he was satisfied that there were none, he turned back to the two vault hunters. "Oh and I only know you guys are vault hunters because your not wearing Hyperion or bandit gear. And because Mox told me there's be two of ya. Though I have been keeping tabs on your fight with those Hyperion scumbags." Twist said as he surveyed the area. Noticing the vehicle in the distance, he frowned. "Uugh, what is that?" He said pointing to it.
Did you see the size of that Drop Bear? Friggin unbelievable.

Willhel-M 2.0

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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2015, 02:06:49 pm »
Still a fair distance off the vehicle came to a gliding stop. The vehicle on closer inspection appeared to have been a modified surveyor drone equipped to carry a single passenger. Anything else to be learned about this drone was cut short as it's rider stepped of; The drone flying away now that it was no longer needed.
The rider himself seemed a far more interesting spectacle, equally clad in the flat yellow of Hyperion as his ride he began to stride towards the crash site. Plates and wiring lining the figures body outside and somewhat alarmingly entering inside the plating of his armor and body.
Whoever this was, digi-structing a pistol in his hands and approaching, was likely not friendly.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 02:08:33 pm by Willhel-M 2.0 »


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Re: Haiku's and Steel
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2015, 06:44:59 pm »
"Twist... Get behind the bandit technical." Gaige digi-structed Miss Moxxi'd Heartbreaker (shotgun) and aimed directly at Wilhel-M."Things are going to be messy if you don't turn around and leave!" She called out to the mysterious figure.